Glutathione Precursors 120 vegetable capsules


Each capsule of glutathione precursors contains in free form the three amino acids the body uses to make the powerful tri-peptide antioxidant glutathione. These amino acids, N-acetyl L-cysteine, L-glutamic acid, and L-glycine are present in a mole ratio of 2:1:1 at 257 mg: 128 mg: 64 mg in each capsule. Cysteine is well noted in the science and medical literature as the rate limiting amino acid in glutathione synthesis. Glutathione cannot pass through digestion directly into cells. It must be broken down to its constituent amino acid and di-peptide precursors. Presented to the body as a mix of free amino acids absorption into the blood stream and into cells needing to make glutathione is rapid. Taken on an empty stomach and with plenty of water maximizes whole body cellular distribution.

Whenever excessive oxidative stress is suspected, increasing glutathione levels is an important strategy to consider. Essential to a strong immune system, glutathione is also a phase II liver reactant used to facilitate excretions of toxins and even heavy metals like mercury from the body.

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